Four Sevens

Monday, August 31, 2009

A great resource WSU Cru staff have been going through, as well as many of our student leaders, is a 4 week devotional appropriately called "Four Sevens". Here is a description on the CruPress site...

"Four Sevens begins with a commitment to spend time with the Lord each day for 28 days. The devotions are written in such a way to demonstrate how to structure a devotional time. Over the next four weeks, study of the Word follows along with the Gospel of Luke: learning about Jesus, learning to be Christ-centered, learning about the Great Commission.

Introductory content explains how and why to have a quiet time, how to study a passage, the ACTS model of prayer, why Bible translations differ, how to start a prayer journal, and other content foundational to a daily time with the Lord."

There is a sample on the Four Sevens page. If you would like to pick one up, contact one of the Cru staff and we can get one to you at the group rate of $5/ea.

An Invitation

Friday, August 28, 2009

Some notes from Darren Holland's talk at Cru's first large group meeting of the semester: 

Jesus' invitation to "follow me" in Mark 1:17...

  • ...centers on him. He doesn't give details, just himself. It doesn't involve religion or "to do's."
  • ...involves others. It's not just one person, it's a team of 12 that end up being called to follow him.
  • ...does not reveal the destination, just the path. If Jesus is worthy to be followed, he is worthy to be trusted. In effect, Jesus is saying "I'll worry about where we're going. You just follow...and trust me."
This invitation doesn't have a when, a what, or even a where. It only has a "who". The invitation Jesus gives is to follow the person of Jesus. We need not know everything about him, only that he can be trusted.

Will you follow him tonight? Will you follow him forever?

Cru is back for fall 09

Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome back, Cougs!

Add this blog to Google Reader or whatever RSS feed you use and you'll get updates about what is going on with Cru, as well as thoughts from Cru student leaders and staff.

This week, we'll be starting Tuesday morning Vision and Prayer at 715 am in CUE 518. Our first weekly meeting is Thursday at 715 pm in Todd Auditorium (Rm 116).

See you this week...