What do first year students at WSU believe?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Recently, Campus Crusade for Christ at WSU engaged with first year students on campus through surveys. In exchange for filling out a survey, students were entered into a drawing to win 'whatever they wanted' up to $100 - with stipulations of course.

From 3 dining halls around campus, we gathered 850 total surveys, and recorded the responses we received from students.

So, what are first year students at WSU saying? Here were some of their responses through the surveys:

Look for some more interesting statistics - like whether males or females are more likely to talk about spiritual things, or if people that don't believe in a higher power are more or less likely to be willing to give their spiritual input.

Overall, we were encouraged by the results of the surveys. We feel like many students at WSU are open to engage in spiritual conversation. Does this surprise you? What about on your campus, do you think this is similar to other campuses around the nation? We'd love to hear!

The Winners of the "Win Whatever You Want" Contest!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Congratulations to Alec Hinn, Sean Myers, and Kaitlyn Kamstra - the recent winners of the "Win Whatever You Want" Contest!

If you're interested, Alec will be getting a Simon Mall gift card (a little close to a cash prize, but we'll call it good and give it to him), Sean will be getting a pair of snow gloves (his choice, up to a $100 value), and Kaitlyn will be getting something of her choice (she has yet to tell us what she wants).

If you weren't aware, WSU Cru set up tables near campus dining centers at WSU during the first week of the spring semester. The "Win Whatever You Want" contest was a way for us (WSU Cru) to get some feedback from first year students at WSU about their spiritual interests.

Here are some of the questions we asked first year students at WSU:

Which of the following is most important to you?
- Security - Love - Fulfillment - Success - Happiness -

Do you believe there is a higher power?
- yes - no - maybe -

Would you be willing to take 20 minutes to give your input on spiritual issues?
- yes - no - maybe -

Would you like to know more about Campus Crusade for Christ's weekly meeting, "CRU"?
- yes - no - maybe

We'll try to post some of the interested statistics from this survey - especially what students feel is most important to them! Thanks for helping us out, WSU students!

Any feedback from this survey? What's most important to you? Feel free to comment below!

Campus Crusade for Christ & Haiti

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Above: Capitol Building in Haiti.

Following the devastation of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake on Tuesday evening in Haiti, Campus Crusade for Christ is doing what we can to help all that are affected by the destruction.

There are staff members in Haiti that we are praying for - involved in the Campus Ministry as well as the Jesus Film Project. We appreciate your prayers for those staff members - so far there have been reports that those who have been found are doing well and in good health. Our national team is still trying to contact those that we have yet to hear from - please pray for them and their families.

Global Aid Network (GAiN) is another ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ that is responding to the physical needs of Haitians that are affected by the quake, as they specialize in relief and development of those countries / areas in need. GAiN currently has containers in Haiti that contain 1 million meals, and another 8 large containers of food and much needed supplies ready to be shipped.

If you are looking for a way to be involved in the relief, GAiN is in need of financial resources in order to distribute food and supplies. You can give financially directly through their website, www.gainusa.org

We also know of one fellow Coug that was in Haiti at the time of the earthquake, Megan Simmons. We have heard that she is doing ok, but nothing more.

Please nclude your prayers, prayer requests, or any information you might have about people in Haiti in the comments below.

WSU Cru alumni - Kelsey Martin and "Women of Hope International"

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kelsey Martin is a 2008 graduate of WSU. She was a leader with Cru during her time as an undergraduate and is now working for Highline Community College as an Employment Consultant. Kelsey has been actively involved with a ministry called "Women of Hope" that exists to bring whole person healing to women with disabilities in Sierra Leone. Here is a portion of a recent update we got from Kelsey...

A summary of our last trip is difficult, but we were able to accomplish the majority of what we had set out to do in the short two and a half weeks there. The first week was dedicated to meeting with the local non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), other humanitarian aid agencies and governmental officials in the area. Our focus was on assessing the services already provided to women with disabilities and to begin networking with those already serving women there. We were so thankful to be welcomed warmly by everyone we encountered as they openly affirmed of the tremendous need forWOHInt. We hired three full time Sierra Leonean staff and assembled and met with our SL Advisory Board during this time as well.

The second week was emotionally exhausting as we held focus groups with representatives chosen from the blind, deaf, polio, amputee, war-wounded and leprosy communities. Every woman had a unique story about how society tells her she is worthless and the many barriers she faces living in the poorest country in the world. Most women were sexually exploited in some way, and all experience isolation and significant poverty. We facilitated brainstorming around solutions. While I had been to the country before and I had researched the trials of women with disabilities, nothing could have prepared me for hearing their deeply personal stories for myself, and developing friendships.

I returned home overwhelmed. I wrote this letter three different times before today. Each time I struggled with communicating all that I learned while still questioning what role God has me play in His desire to bring restoration to the women. Today I am sure that God wants to use myself and Women of Hope International to facilitate healing and the restoration of dignity and hope to women with disabilities in Sierra Leone. He has given WOHInt a strategic plan of action and our prayer is that gospel transformation will take place for these women and inspire the development of a community!

Venture 2010 - Final video

Friday, January 8, 2010

Great conference, Cougs! We're excited for the upcoming semester. See you next week!

Venture 2010 Conference Final Video from Venture on Vimeo.